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  • #1408515

    Concordo nel dire che la pratica del cash back sia abbastanza farraginosa. Il vantaggio è sicuramente per Canon che introita per qualche mese le somme dei cash back non rispettando gli impegni presi (sono tra quelli che ancora aspettano…). Il problema dei prolungati ritardi nell’erogazione dei rimborsi non penso sia così semplice come descritto da fireblade, e come viene detto a chiunque chiami per avere notizie. Vi posto uno stralcio della notizia pubblicata su Dpreview: “Canon US video and printer rebate glitch Wednesday, 19 November 2008 16:00 GMT Canon has asked US customers planning take advantage of its rebate program not to cash the checks they have received, following the company handling the rebates filing for bankruptcy protection. The problems relate to rebate checks for video and printer products dated prior to November 14th. Any customer yet to send-in rebate materials should also delay until further notice. Canon made the following statement: “The third-party rebate processing company that implements Canon’s rebate program covering printer and camcorder products filed a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy petition on Friday, November 14. Any customer who has received a rebate check for these products dated prior to November 14, should not cash the check as it may bounce. Canon is diligently working on steps to ensure that eligible consumers receive valid rebate checks as soon as possible. More information will be available on our Web site by Friday, November 21.” E’ vero che stiamo parlando di Canon USA ma forse qualcosa di simile potrebbe essere in corso anche qui da noi.

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