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  • #1691827

    megaupload morto… potresti gentilmente caricare il cd da un’altra parte. Non trovo il mio della 5d mkII e devo istallare il tutto sul nuovo pc grazie


    Appena preso il 55 1.2 aspherical. attendo con ansia le prime stampe!




    speriamo che la ripari a dovere! anche perch


    grazie, mi sono gi


    Grazie per la veloce risposta. per l’AE finder FN non


    ti ringrazio per i suggerimenti. Ti confesso che ultimamente il 24-70 mi sta strettino… Diciamo che l’80% delle volte lo uso a 2,8-4, ma da quado sono andato a Valencia, da solo, e mi sono concentrato su architettura passando a 5,6 sono rimasto sbigottito. La qualit


    Nello specifico di questo viaggio, ma questo poi mi vale quasi sempre, gli obiettivi avranno i seguenti compiti: – 16-35 in mezzo alle strettoie di Petra mi far


    Grazie mille per le gentili info (o) Per i ritratti sono solo per la dolce met


    nel frattempo mi sono documentato un po’ e pare che la soluzione pi


    grazie per le gentili opinioni 🙂


    una domanda, approfitto per chiarificare un dubbio: su aps-c il 50 non si può considerare ottica “standard” ,come per le reflex analogiche, perchè con il sensore ridotto è come se fosse un 80… Domanda: perchè nessuno parla mai del 35 f2 come soluzione? su sensore ridotto diventa un 56 (una volta si usava molto anche il 55 canon FD) ed il costo è contenuto. La resa, leggendo in giro, mi pare pure discreta. ciao e grazie riporto link di un test :


    His Life is in his Eyes © Andre du Plessis Thomas Hugo: 6 months later…. I managed to track Thomas down in Paris over the weekend. I searched the Left Bank (his patch) for a day, to no avail, and then approached waiters and shop keepers, showing them a small picture of him on my PDA. A dear chap by the name of Sami, who serves ice cream, eventually came to my rescue…. Thomas now lives in a small tent on the paved section in the middle of Rue Flandres in Crimee, which is in north-east Paris. Awful location that he picked, as traffic passes very close by on either side of the tent, and pedestrians sometimes have to walk around his tent and scattered belongings. However, although he would have preferred a quieter location, he feels safe here as he is visible to the locals and there is constant movement, especially as there is a Monoprix immediately opposite. He has made enemies in the Left Bank, as some other persons living his type of life apparently became jealous of the fact that he managed to obtain a mobile phone and number, and recently….wait for it….an used Nikon D80 with a broken lens. He is now shooting pics of passers-by, and of his animals, which are now down to two dogs (both overweight), and a cat. He showed me the lens – some part inside has come loose, and partially obscures the image. So now he has to shake his camera and every 20th or so pics works. His dog that featured in my previous upload of Thomas was stolen. He thinks that he knows who did it, however, is too terrified to approach that person or area. There is a floral shop across the street which he uses as his postal address. They also keep his camera when he’s not using it. The same people who forced him from the Left Bank also cut the tires of his bicycle contraption that I referred to in the previous upload of Thomas. He is planning to have that fixed very soon. I think that I have now forged a trusting relationship with Thomas, and shall continue to pay visits to him every time I travel that wonderful city. I do not know how Thomas survives financially, as he never begs. I suspect that he receives hand-outs from the council. I spent a few hours with Thomas, chatting mainly about photography, teaching him a few things with the camera, and watching him run up and down the street in an attempt to get his dogs back to the tent, as they constantly wander off. I managed to do some shots as well, however, difficult, as you feel that you are in a fish bowl, with everyone staring at you… He, however, displayed no sign of unease shooting away at me from all angles. I showed him a PDF print-out of all the comments from members etc, and he was very taken by this. The prints I gave him were immediately cut to size (with a very blunt scissors), and pasted into his album that materialised from somewhere beneath the sleeping bag. 96112 unique views Questo è quanto riportato dal sito dove sono esposti i lavori di Andre.


    quoto in pieno la scelta del 50 (80 su aps-c) per ritratti visto che sono in interni. 10-22 per panorami ottimo, quante soddisfazioni mi diede [amo] [amo] [amo]


    eh eh non perdi occasione 🙂

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